Sunday, December 5, 2010

Blog Post #5: Simplicity

The effectiveness and overall impact of a website does not have to be simple, however how the user interacts with your site does. You can say a lot in web design without saying too much. For example
I show the site Naturxan appears to be some chemical compound that I have never heard of and I'm pretty sure no one has. So the company has the problem with getting this information on the product out there and accessible to the public. Speaking in web terms it is a lot of information that needs to be designed in a way that encourages efficiency and a simple interface. It is information architecture at its finest and I believe this site does a good job of it. The very simple and friendly look of the site gives way to the very well navigated menu bar. When the user hovers over the menu, a further drop down menu appears to give access to even further specific information. By utilizing this simple drop down menu, the large amount of information was emphasized and not on the navigation of the site. It seems that the concept of simplicity in design transcends accross numerous different mediums.

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